"The law is a ass."
Canada's legal system does not bring to mind Thomas More's Utopia, where no one had to submit to laws that were, "too long for an ordinary person to read right through, or too difficult for him to understand." We try to build a just legal system but it frequently appears like Jonathan Swift's "peculiar cant and jargon... that no mortal can understand" or Jeremy Bentham's lawyers "poisoning language in order to fleece... clients." Although, the legal system is meant to bring us civilization, it is often more dangerous and mysterious than the wilderness. Is it any wonder that the Treasurer of the Law Society lamented the state of public perception of the legal profession? It harkens back to Mr. Bumble the beadle exclaiming in Oliver Twist, "The law is a ass -- a idiot! If that's the eye of the law... I wish... that his eye may be opened by experience — by experience!” The legal system is unique, special and steeped in centuries of history and culture indeed.
The loss of confidence in public institutions is a serious problem. Modest progress has a high cost that extends beyond the pecuniary to the personal. I may not risk imprisonment, persecution, torture or assassination for you, but I do my best to restore your trust in the legal system and get you a fair and reasonable result. In Canada, the rule of law and good faith offer the possibility of solving your legal problems appropriately. I put my insight and experience to work for you and uphold the noblest traditions of the legal profession. I simplify rather than complicate. I ensure you know your rights and obligations, and that you make informed and thoughtful decisions.
In addition to the Common Law, these are the statutes and regulations with which I can help you:
The loss of confidence in public institutions is a serious problem. Modest progress has a high cost that extends beyond the pecuniary to the personal. I may not risk imprisonment, persecution, torture or assassination for you, but I do my best to restore your trust in the legal system and get you a fair and reasonable result. In Canada, the rule of law and good faith offer the possibility of solving your legal problems appropriately. I put my insight and experience to work for you and uphold the noblest traditions of the legal profession. I simplify rather than complicate. I ensure you know your rights and obligations, and that you make informed and thoughtful decisions.
In addition to the Common Law, these are the statutes and regulations with which I can help you: